API reference

This section provides a full reference of all the functions, macros and types that MicroTBX-Modbus offers.



Macro Description
TBX_MB_VERSION_MAIN Main version number of MicroTBX-Modbus.
TBX_MB_VERSION_MINOR Minor version number of MicroTBX-Modbus.
TBX_MB_VERSION_PATCH Patch number of MicroTBX-Modbus.


Function codes.

Macro Description
TBX_MB_FC01_READ_COILS Modbus function code 01 - Read Coils.
TBX_MB_FC02_READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS Modbus function code 02 - Read Discrete Inputs.
TBX_MB_FC03_READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS Modbus function code 03 - Read Holding Registers.
TBX_MB_FC04_READ_INPUT_REGISTERS Modbus function code 04 - Read Input Registers.
TBX_MB_FC05_WRITE_SINGLE_COIL Modbus function code 05 - Write Single Coil.
TBX_MB_FC06_WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER Modbus function code 06 - Write Single Register.
TBX_MB_FC08_DIAGNOSTICS Modbus function code 08 - Diagnostics.
TBX_MB_FC15_WRITE_MULTIPLE_COILS Modbus function code 15 - Write Multiple Coils.
TBX_MB_FC16_WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS Modbus function code 16 - Write Multiple Registers.

Exception codes.

Macro Description
TBX_MB_EC01_ILLEGAL_FUNCTION Modbus exception code 01 - Illegal function.
TBX_MB_EC02_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS Modbus exception code 02 - Illegal data address.
TBX_MB_EC03_ILLEGAL_DATA_VALUE Modbus exception code 03 - Illegal data value.
TBX_MB_EC04_SERVER_DEVICE_FAILURE Modbus exception code 04 - Server device failure.

Diagnostics sub function codes.

Macro Description
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_QUERY_DATA Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Query Data.
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_CLEAR_COUNTERS Diagnostics sub-function code - Clear Counters.
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_BUS_MESSAGE_COUNT Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Bus Message
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_BUS_COMM_ERROR_COUNT Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Bus
Communication Error Count.
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_BUS_EXCEPTION_ERROR_COUNT Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Bus Exception
Error Count.
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_SERVER_MESSAGE_COUNT Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Server Message
TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_SERVER_NO_RESPONSE_COUNT Diagnostics sub-function code - Return Server No
Response Count.


Macro Description
TBX_MB_FC_EXCEPTION_MASK Bit mask to OR to the function code to flag it as an exception response.

Transport layer

Node address.

Macro Description
TBX_MB_TP_NODE_ADDR_BROADCAST Node address value for broadcast purposes.
TBX_MB_TP_NODE_ADDR_MIN Minimum value of a valid node address.
TBX_MB_TP_NODE_ADDR_MAX Maximum value of a valid node address.

Protocol data unit (PDU).

Macro Description
TBX_MB_TP_PDU_CODE_LEN_MAX Maximum size of the "Function code" at the start of a PDU.
TBX_MB_TP_PDU_DATA_LEN_MAX Maximum number of data bytes inside a PDU. This excludes the
function code.
TBX_MB_TP_PDU_MAX_LEN Maximum length of a PDU.




typedef void * tTbxMbServer

Handle to a Modbus server channel object, in the format of an opaque pointer.


typedef enum
} tTbxMbServerResult

numerated type with all supported return values for the callbacks.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerReadInput)(tTbxMbServer   channel, 
                                                     uint16_t       addr, 
                                                     uint8_t      * value)

Modbus server callback function for reading a discrete input.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Pointer to write the value of the input to. Use TBX_ON if the input is on, TBX_OFF
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerReadCoil)(tTbxMbServer   channel, 
                                                    uint16_t       addr, 
                                                    uint8_t      * value)

Modbus server callback function for reading a coil.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Pointer to write the value of the coil to. Use TBX_ON if the coils is on, TBX_OFF
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerWriteCoil)(tTbxMbServer channel, 
                                                     uint16_t     addr, 
                                                     uint8_t      value)

Modbus server callback function for writing a coil.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Coil value. Use TBX_ON to activate the coil, TBX_OFF otherwise.
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerReadInputReg)(tTbxMbServer   channel, 
                                                        uint16_t       addr, 
                                                        uint16_t     * value)

Modbus server callback function for reading an input register.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Pointer to write the value of the input register to.
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerReadHoldingReg)(tTbxMbServer   channel, 
                                                          uint16_t       addr, 
                                                          uint16_t     * value)

Modbus server callback function for reading a holding register.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Pointer to write the value of the holding register to.
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef tTbxMbServerResult (* tTbxMbServerWriteHoldingReg)(tTbxMbServer channel, 
                                                           uint16_t     addr, 
                                                           uint16_t     value)

Modbus server callback function for writing a holding register.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
addr Element address (0..65535).
value Value of the holding register.
Return value
TBX_MB_SERVER_OK if successful, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR if the specific data element
address is not supported by this server, TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_DEVICE_FAILURE otherwise.


typedef uint8_t (* tTbxMbServerCustomFunction)(tTbxMbServer    channel,
                                               uint8_t const * rxPdu,
                                               uint8_t       * txPdu,
                                               uint8_t       * len)

Modbus server callback function for implementing custom function code handling. Thanks to this functionality, the user can support Modbus function codes that are either currently not supported or user defined extensions.

The rxPdu and txPdu parameters are pointers to the byte array of the PDU. The first byte (i.e. rxPdu[0]) contains the function code, followed by its data bytes. Upon calling the callback, the len parameter contains the length of rxPdu. When preparing the response, you can write the length of the txPdu response to len as well.

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object that triggered the callback.
rxPdu Pointer to a byte array for reading the received PDU.
txPdu Pointer to a byte array for writing the response PDU.
len Pointer to the PDU length, including the function code.
Return value
TBX_TRUE if the callback function handled the received function code and prepared a response PDU.
TBX_FALSE otherwise.



typedef void * tTbxMbClient

Handle to a Modbus client channel object, in the format of an opaque pointer.

Transport layer


typedef void * tTbxMbTp

Handle to a Modbus transport layer object, in the format of an opaque pointer.



typedef enum
} tTbxMbUartPort

Enumerated type with all supported UART ports.


typedef enum
  TBX_MB_UART_1200BPS = 0U,
} tTbxMbUartBaudrate

Enumerated type with all supported UART baudrates.


typedef enum
} tTbxMbUartDatabits

Enumerated type with all supported UART data bits modes.


typedef enum
} tTbxMbUartStopbits

Enumerated type with all supported parity modes.


typedef enum
} tTbxMbUartParity

Enumerated type with all supported parity modes.




tTbxMbServer TbxMbServerCreate(tTbxMbTp transport)

Creates a Modbus server channel object and assigns the specified Modbus transport layer to the channel for packet transmission and reception.

This example creates a Modbus RTU server channel object for a node with address 10:

/* Construct a Modbus RTU transport layer object. */
tTbxMbTp modbusTp = TbxMbRtuCreate(10U, TBX_MB_UART_PORT1, TBX_MB_UART_19200BPS,
                                   TBX_MB_UART_1_STOPBITS, TBX_MB_EVEN_PARITY); 
/* Construct a Modbus server object. */
tTbxMbServer modbusServer = TbxMbServerCreate(modbusTp);  
Parameter Description
transport Handle to a previously created Modbus transport layer object to assign to the channel.
Return value
Handle to the newly created Modbus server channel object if successful, NULL otherwise.


void TbxMbServerFree(tTbxMbServer channel)

Releases a Modbus server channel object, previously created with TbxMbServerCreate().

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object to release.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadInput(tTbxMbServer          channel,
                                     tTbxMbServerReadInput callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the reading of a specific discrete input.

The example connects the state of two digital inputs to the Modbus discrete inputs at addresses 10000 to 10001:

tTbxMbServerResult AppReadInput(tTbxMbServer   channel,
                                uint16_t       addr,
                                uint8_t      * value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;

  /* Filter on the requested discrete input address. */
  switch (addr)
  case 10000U:
    *value = BspDigitalIn(BSP_DIGITAL_IN1);

  case 10001U:
    *value = BspDigitalIn(BSP_DIGITAL_IN2);

    /* Unsupported discrete input address. */

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for reading the Modbus discrete inputs. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadInput(modbusServer, AppReadInput);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadCoil(tTbxMbServer         channel,
                                    tTbxMbServerReadCoil callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the reading of a specific coil.

The example assumes the application stores the state of two coils in an array with name appCoils[] . Whenever a client requests the reading of the Modbus coils at addresses 0 to 1, the currently stored values in the appCoils[] array are returned:

uint8_t appCoils[2] = { TBX_ON, TBX_OFF };

tTbxMbServerResult AppReadCoil(tTbxMbServer   channel,
                               uint16_t       addr,
                               uint8_t      * value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR;

  /* Supported coil address? */
  if (addr <= 1U)
    /* Store the current coil state. */
    *value = appCoils[addr];
    result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;
  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for reading the Modbus coils. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadCoil(modbusServer, AppReadCoil);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackWriteCoil(tTbxMbServer          channel,
                                     tTbxMbServerWriteCoil callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the writing of a specific coil.

The example connects the Modbus coil addresses 0 to 1 to the state of two digital outputs:

tTbxMbServerResult AppWriteCoil(tTbxMbServer   channel,
                                uint16_t       addr,
                                uint8_t        value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;

  /* Filter on the requested coil address. */
  switch (addr)
  case 0U:
    BspDigitalOut(BSP_DIGITAL_OUT1, value);

  case 1U:
    BspDigitalOut(BSP_DIGITAL_OUT2, value);

    /* Unsupported coil address. */

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for writing the Modbus coils. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackWriteCoil(modbusServer, AppWriteCoil);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadInputReg(tTbxMbServer                channel,
                                        tTbxMbServerReadInputReg    callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the reading of a specific input register.

The example connects the state of two analog inputs to the Modbus input registers at addresses 30000 to 30001:

tTbxMbServerResult AppReadInputReg(tTbxMbServer  channel,
                                    uint16_t      addr, 
                                    uint16_t    * value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;

  /* Filter on the requested input register address. */
  switch (addr)
  case 30000U:
    *value = BspAnalogIn(BSP_ANALOG_IN1);

  case 30001U:
    *value = BspAnalogIn(BSP_ANALOG_IN2);

    /* Unsupported input register address. */

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for reading the Modbus input registers. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadInputReg(modbusServer, AppReadInputReg);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadHoldingReg(tTbxMbServer                channel,
                                          tTbxMbServerReadHoldingReg  callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the reading of a specific holding register.

The example assumes the application stores the state of two holding registers in an array with name appHoldingRegs[] . Whenever a client requests the reading of the Modbus holding registers at addresses 40000 to 40001, the currently stored values in the appHoldingRegs[] array are returned:

uint16_t appHoldingRegs[2] = { 1234, 5678 };

tTbxMbServerResult AppReadHoldingReg(tTbxMbServer   channel,
                                     uint16_t       addr,
                                     uint16_t     * value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_ERR_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDR;

  /* Supported holding register address? */
  if ( (addr >= 40000) && (addr <= 40001U) )
    /* Store the holding register state. */
    *value = appHoldingReg[addr - 40000U];
    result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;
  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for reading the Modbus holding registers. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackReadHoldingReg(modbusServer, AppReadHoldingReg);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackWriteHoldingReg(tTbxMbServer                channel,
                                           tTbxMbServerWriteHoldingReg callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever a client requests the writing of a specific holding register.

The example connects the Modbus holding registers addresses 40000 to 40001 to two 8-bit PWM output signals:

tTbxMbServerResult AppWriteHoldingReg(tTbxMbServer channel,
                                      uint16_t     addr, 
                                      uint16_t     value)
  tTbxMbServerResult result = TBX_MB_SERVER_OK;

  /* Filter on the requested holding register address. */
  switch (addr)
  case 40000U:
    /* PWM supports 8-bit duty cycle. */
    if (value <= 255U)
      BspPwmOut(BSP_PWM_OUT1, (uint8_t)value);

  case 40001U:
    /* PWM supports 8-bit duty cycle. */
    if (value <= 255U)
      BspPwmOut(BSP_PWM_OUT2, (uint8_t)value);

    /* Unsupported holding register address. */

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for writing the Modbus holding registers. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackWriteHoldingReg(modbusServer, AppWriteHoldingReg);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.


void TbxMbServerSetCallbackCustomFunction (tTbxMbServer                channel,
                                           tTbxMbServerCustomFunction  callback)

Registers the callback function that this server calls, whenever it received a PDU containing a function code not currently supported. With the aid of this callback function the user can implement support for new function codes.

The example shows how to add support for function code 17 (Report Server ID). It's the counter-part to the example for TbxMbClientCustomFunction(). According to the Modbus protocol, the response to the Report Server ID request is device specific. The device implementation decides the number of bytes for the Server ID and if additional data is added to the response. The following code snippet implements support for Report Server ID, where the actual server ID is 16-bits and the response contains no additional data:

uint8_t AppReportServerIdCallback(tTbxMbServer    channel,
                                  uint8_t const * rxPdu,
                                  uint8_t       * txPdu,
                                  uint8_t       * len)
  uint8_t result = TBX_FALSE;

  /* Function code 17 - Report Server ID? */
  if (rxPdu[0] == 17U)
    /* Check the expected request length. */
    if (*len == 1U)
      /* Prepare the response. */
      txPdu[0] = 17U; /* Function code. */
      txPdu[1] = 3U;  /* Byte count. */
      TbxMbCommonStoreUInt16BE(0x1234U, &txPdu[2]); /* server ID. */
      txPdu[4] = 0xFFU; /* Run indicator status = ON. */
      *len = 5U;
      /* Function code handled. */
      result = TBX_TRUE;

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Set the callback for handling custom function codes. */
TbxMbServerSetCallbackCustomFunction(modbusServer, AppReportServerIdCallback);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus server channel object.
callback Pointer to the callback function.



tTbxMbClient TbxMbClientCreate(tTbxMbTp transport,
                               uint16_t responseTimeout,
                               uint16_t turnaroundDelay)

Creates a Modbus client channel object and assigns the specified Modbus transport layer to the channel for packet transmission and reception.

This example creates a Modbus RTU client channel object. Note the the nodeAddr parameter of function TbxMbRtuCreate() is not applicable when used on a client and should simply be set to a value of 0:

/* Construct a Modbus RTU transport layer object. */
tTbxMbTp modbusTp = TbxMbRtuCreate(0U, TBX_MB_UART_PORT1, TBX_MB_UART_19200BPS,
                                   TBX_MB_UART_1_STOPBITS, TBX_MB_EVEN_PARITY); 
/* Construct a Modbus client object. */
tTbxMbClient modbusClient = TbxMbClientCreate(modbusTp, 1000U, 100U);
Parameter Description
transport Handle to a previously created Modbus transport layer object to assign to the
responseTimeout Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for a response from the Modbus server,
after sending a PDU.
turnaroundDelay Delay time in milliseconds after sending a broadcast PDU to give all recipients
sufficient time to process the PDU.
Return value
Handle to the newly created Modbus client channel object if successful, NULL otherwise.


void TbxMbClientFree(tTbxMbClient channel)

Releases a Modbus client channel object, previously created with TbxMbClientCreate().

Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel object to release.


uint8_t TbxMbClientReadCoils(tTbxMbClient   channel,
                             uint8_t        node,
                             uint16_t       addr,
                             uint16_t       num,
                             uint8_t      * coils)

Reads the coil(s) from the server with the specified node address.

The example reads the state of two coils at Modbus addresses 0 to 1, from a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint8_t coils[2] = { 0 };

TbxMbClientReadCoils(modbusClient, 10U, 0U, 2U, coils);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the coil read operation.
num Number of elements to read from the coils data table. Range can be 1..2000.
coils Pointer to array with TBX_ON / TBX_OFF values where the coil state will be written to.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientReadInputs(tTbxMbClient   channel,
                              uint8_t        node,
                              uint16_t       addr,
                              uint16_t       num,
                              uint8_t      * inputs)

Reads the discrete input(s) from the server with the specified node address.

The example reads the state of two discrete inputs at Modbus addresses 10000 to 10001, from a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint8_t inputs[2] = { 0 };

TbxMbClientReadInputs(modbusClient, 10U, 10000U, 2U, inputs);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the discrete input
read operation.
num Number of elements to read from the discrete inputs data table. Range can be 1..2000.
inputs Pointer to array with TBX_ON / TBX_OFF values where the discrete input state will be
written to.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientReadInputRegs(tTbxMbClient   channel,
                                 uint8_t        node,
                                 uint16_t       addr,
                                 uint8_t        num,
                                 uint16_t     * inputRegs)

Reads the input register(s) from the server with the specified node address.

The example reads two input registers at Modbus addresses 30000 to 30001, from a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint16_t inputRegs[2] = { 0 };

TbxMbClientReadInputRegs(modbusClient, 10U, 30000U, 2U, inputRegs);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the input register
read operation.
num Number of elements to read from the input registers data table. Range can be 1..125.
inputRegs Pointer to array where the input register values will be written to.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientReadHoldingRegs(tTbxMbClient   channel,
                                   uint8_t        node,
                                   uint16_t       addr,
                                   uint8_t        num,
                                   uint16_t     * holdingRegs)

Reads the holding register(s) from the server with the specified node address.

The example reads two holding registers at Modbus addresses 40000 to 40001, from a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint16_t holdingRegs[2] = { 0 };

TbxMbClientReadHoldingRegs(modbusClient, 10U, 40000U, 2U, holdingRegs);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the holding register
read operation.
num Number of elements to read from the holding registers data table. Range can be
holdingRegs Pointer to array where the holding register values will be written to.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientWriteCoils(tTbxMbClient         channel,
                              uint8_t              node,
                              uint16_t             addr,
                              uint16_t             num,
                              uint8_t      const * coils)

Writes the coil(s) to the server with the specified node address.

The example writes the state of two coils at Modbus addresses 0 to 1, to a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint8_t coils[2] = { TBX_OFF, TBX_OFF };

TbxMbClientWriteCoils(modbusClient, 10U, 0U, 2U, coils);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the coil write operation.
num Number of elements to write to the coils data table. Range can be 1..1968.
coils Pointer to array with the desired TBX_ON / TBX_OFF coil values.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientWriteHoldingRegs(tTbxMbClient         channel,
                                    uint8_t              node,
                                    uint16_t             addr,
                                    uint8_t              num,
                                    uint16_t     const * holdingRegs)

Writes the holding register(s) to the server with the specified node address.

The example writes two holding registers at Modbus addresses 40000 to 40001, to a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint16_t holdingRegs[2] = { 63U, 127U };

TbxMbClientWriteHoldingRegs(modbusClient, 10U, 40000U, 2U, holdingRegs);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
addr Starting element address (0..65535) in the Modbus data table for the holding register
write operation.
num Number of elements to write to the holding registers data table. Range can be
holdingRegs Pointer to array with the desired holding register values.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientDiagnostics(tTbxMbClient         channel,
                               uint8_t              node,
                               uint16_t             subcode,
                               uint16_t           * count)

Perform diagnostic operation on the server for checking the communication system.

The example obtains the number of packets with a correct CRC, received by a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint16_t count = 0U;

TbxMbClientDiagnostics(modbusClient, 10U, TBX_MB_DIAG_SC_SERVER_MESSAGE_COUNT, &count);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
subcode Sub-function code for specifying the diagnostic operation to perform. Currently
supported values:
count Location where the retrieved count value will be written to. Only applicable for the
sub-function codes that end with _COUNT.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.


uint8_t TbxMbClientCustomFunction(tTbxMbClient         channel,
                                  uint8_t              node,
                                  uint8_t      const * txPdu,
                                  uint8_t            * rxPdu,
                                  uint8_t            * len)

Send a custom function code PDU to the server and receive its response PDU. Thanks to this functionality, the user can support Modbus function codes that are either currently not supported or user defined extensions.

The txPdu and rxPdu parameters are pointers to the byte array of the PDU. The first byte (i.e. txPdu[0]) contains the function code, followed by its data bytes. When calling this function, set the len parameter to the length of the txPdu. This function updates the len parameter with the length of the received PDU, which it stores in rxPdu.

The example shows how to add support for function code 17 (Report Server ID). It's the counter-part to the example for TbxMbServerSetCallbackCustomFunction(). According to the Modbus protocol, the response to the Report Server ID request is device specific. The device implementation decides the number of bytes for the Server ID and if additional data is added to the response. The following code snippet implements support for Report Server ID, where it reads out the 16-bit server ID of a Modbus server with node address 10:

uint16_t AppReportServerId(tTbxMbClient channel,
                           uint8_t      node)
  /* static to lower stack load. */
  static uint8_t response[TBX_MB_TP_PDU_MAX_LEN]; 
  uint8_t        request[1] = { 17U };
  uint8_t        len = 1U;
  uint16_t       result = 0U;

  /* Transceive function code 17 - Report Server ID. */
  if (TbxMbClientCustomFunction(channel, node, request, 
                                response, &len) == TBX_OK)
    /* Response length as expected? */
    if (len == 5U)
      /* Not an exception response and byte count correct? */
      if ((response[0] == 17U) && (response[1] == 3U))
        /* Read out the received server ID. */
        result = TbxMbCommonExtractUInt16BE(&response[2]);

  /* Give the result back to the caller. */
  return result;

/* Read the server ID. */
uint16_t serverId = AppReportServerId(modbusClient, 10U);
Parameter Description
channel Handle to the Modbus client channel for the requested operation.
node The address of the server. This parameter is transport layer dependent. It is needed on
RTU/ASCII, yet don't care for TCP unless it is a gateway to an RTU network. If it's don't
care, set it to a value of 1.
txPdu Pointer to a byte array with the PDU to transmit.
rxPdu Pointer to a byte array with the received response PDU.
len Pointer to the PDU length, including the function code.
Return value
TBX_OK if successful, TBX_ERROR otherwise.



void TbxMbEventTask(void)

Task function that drives the entire Modbus stack. It processes internally generated events. How to call this function depends on the selected operating system abstraction layer (OSAL), which you determine based on the source/osal/tbxmb_XXX.c source file you compile and link with your firmware.

In a traditional superloop application (tbxmb_superloop.c), call this function continuously in the infinite program loop:

#include <microtbx.h>
#include <microtbxmodbus.h>

void main(void)
  /* TODO Initialize the clock, enable peripherals and configure GPIO pins. */
  /* TODO Construct a Modbus transport layer object. */
  /* TODO Construct a Modbus client or server object. */

  /* Enter the program's infinite loop. */  
    /* Continuously call the Modbus stack event task function. */

When using an RTOS (e.g. tbxmb_freertos.c), create a new task during application initialization and call this function from this task's infinite loop:

#include <microtbx.h>
#include <microtbxmodbus.h>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"

void AppModbusTask(void * pvParameters);

void main(void)
  /* TODO Initialize the clock, enable peripherals and configure GPIO pins. */
  /* TODO Construct a Modbus transport layer object. */
  /* TODO Construct a Modbus client or server object. */

  /* Create the Modbus task. */
  xTaskCreate(AppModbusTask, "ModbusTask", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 4U, NULL);    
  /* Start the RTOS scheduler. Note that this function does not return. */

void AppModbusTask(void * pvParameters)
  /* Enter infinite task loop. */
  for (;;)
    /* Continuously call the Modbus stack event task function. */

There is one exception: When using a traditional super application in combination with just a Modbus client. In this case you can omit the call to this task function. With this combination, the communication with a Modbus server happens in a blocking manner and the event task is automatically called internally, while blocking. Convenient and easy, but not optimal from a run-time performance. For this reason it is recommended to use an RTOS in combination with a Modbus client.



uint16_t TbxMbCommonExtractUInt16BE(uint8_t const * data)

Helper function to extract an unsigned 16-bit value from the data of a Modbus packet, where 16-bit values are always stored in the big endian format.

Parameter Description
data Pointer to the byte array that holds the two bytes to extract, stored in the big endian
Return value
The 16-bit unsigned integer value.


void TbxMbCommonStoreUInt16BE(uint16_t   value,
                              uint8_t  * data)

Helper function to store an unsigned 16-bit value in the data of a Modbus packet, where 16-bit values are always stored in the big endian format.

Parameter Description
value The unsigned 16-bit value to store.
data Pointer to the byte array where to store the value in the big endian format.



tTbxMbTp TbxMbRtuCreate(uint8_t            nodeAddr, 
                        tTbxMbUartPort     port, 
                        tTbxMbUartBaudrate baudrate,
                        tTbxMbUartStopbits stopbits,
                        tTbxMbUartParity   parity)

Creates a Modbus RTU transport layer object, which can later on be linked to a Modbus client or server channel.

Example for the following communication settings:

  • First serial port on the board.
  • Baudrate 19200 bits/second.
  • 8 data-bits (default and fixed for an RTU transport layer).
  • even parity.
  • 1 stop-bit.
  • Node address 10.
tTbxMbTp modbusTp = TbxMbRtuCreate(10U, TBX_MB_UART_PORT1, TBX_MB_UART_19200BPS,
                                   TBX_MB_UART_1_STOPBITS, TBX_MB_EVEN_PARITY);   
Parameter Description
nodeAddr The address of the node. Can be in the range 1..247 for a server node. Set it to 0 for
a client.
port The serial port to use. The actual meaning of the serial port is hardware dependent. It
typically maps to the UART peripheral number. E.g. TBX_MB_UART_PORT1 = USART1 on
an STM32.
baudrate The desired communication speed.
stopbits Number of stop bits at the end of a character.
parity Parity bit type to use.
Return value
Handle to the newly created RTU transport layer object if successful, NULL otherwise.


void TbxMbRtuFree(tTbxMbTp transport)

Releases a Modbus RTU transport layer object, previously created with TbxMbRtuCreate().

Parameter Description
transport Handle to RTU transport layer object to release.



void TbxMbUartTransmitComplete(tTbxMbUartPort port)

Event function to signal to the UART module that the entire transfer, initiated by TbxMbPortUartTransmit, completed. This function should be called by the hardware specific UART port (located in tbxmb_port.c) at TX interrupt level.

Parameter Description
port The serial port that the transfer completed on.


void TbxMbUartDataReceived(tTbxMbUartPort         port, 
                           uint8_t        const * data, 
                           uint8_t                len)

Event function to signal the reception of new data to the UART module. This function should be called by the hardware specific UART port (located in tbxmb_port.c) at RX interrupt level.

Parameter Description
port The serial port that the transfer completed on.
data Byte array with newly received data.
len Number of newly received bytes.