
To make the MicroTBX-Modbus functionality available to your embedded software project, you need to integrate its source code into your project. This section of the user manual walks you through this process step-by-step. It covers two integration approaches:

  • Classical integration, where you add the source files manually to your project and configure your build environment accordingly.

  • CMake integration, where you leverage the power of CMake to do the heavy-lifting.

As a reference, you can look at the separate repository with MicroTBX-Modbus demo programs. It includes demo programs for different microcontroller boards that are preconfigured and already have MicroTBX-Modbus fully integrated.


Since MicroTBX-Modbus builds upon the MicroTBX base component, make sure you already integrated the MicroTBX base component into your embedded software project. You can find the MicroTBX integration instructions in the MicroTBX user manual.

Classical integration

Adding MicroTBX-Modbus to your software project is a simple five step process:

  1. Copy all files from the source directory to your project.
  2. Copy the source/template/tbxmb_port.c port template source file to your project.
  3. Copy the source/osal/tbxmb_XXX.c for your selected operating system to your project.
  4. Configure your project such that the added .c files are compiled and linked during a build.
  5. Add the directories that contain the .h files to your compiler's include search path.

CMake integration

The use of CMake to manage the build environment rapidly gains popularity among embedded software developers. It makes adding third-party libraries, such as MicroTBX-Modbus, a breeze:

  1. Copy the entire MicroTBX-Modbus directory into your project. Manually or as a Git submodule.
  2. Use add_subdirectory() to register the MicroTBX-Modbus interface library.
  3. Copy the source/template/tbxmb_port.c port template source file to your project and add it as a source file to add_executable().
  4. Add the microtbx-modbus interface library to target_link_libraries().
  5. Add the microtbx-modbus-osal-XXX interface library for your selected operating system to target_link_libraries().

Minimal CMakeLists.txt example, if you copied MicroTBX-Modbus to directory third_party/microtbx-modbus:





Adjust the port

The MicroTBX-Modbus source code itself is fully hardware independent. The tbxmb_port.c port source file implements the hardware specifics. This means that you only need to update this source file, to get MicroTBX-Modbus working on your specific microcontroller system. You can find detailed instructions, on how to port MicroTBX-Modbus to your platform, in the portation section of this user manual.


Add the following lines to each source-file, where you intend to make use of MicroTBX-Modbus:

#include <microtbx.h>
#include <microtbxmodbus.h>